Results for 'Niels Wacher Rodarte'

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  1.  24
    The Ethical Use of Placebo in Pediatric Research.Rita A. Gómez-Díaz, Niels Wacher Rodarte, Susana Castañón Robles & Carlos A. Aguilar-Salinas - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (7).
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  2. The philosophical writings of Niels Bohr.Niels Bohr - 1987 - Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press.
    v. 1. Atomic theory and the description of nature -- v. 2. Essays 1932-1957 on atomic physics and human knowledge -- v. 3. Essays 1958-1962 on atomic physics and human knowledge -- v. 4. Causality and complementarity.
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  3. Symposium Niels Bohr Centennial.Niels Bohr Centennial - 1992 - In Edna Ullmann-Margalit, The Scientific Enterprise. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 261.
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  4. The Philosophical Writings of Niels Bohr Vol. I-Iv.Niels Bohr - 1987 - Ox Bow Press.
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    Artworks’ Networks.Niels Albertsen & Bülent Diken - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (3):35-58.
    Focusing on the connections between the artwork and its internal and external network, the article presents four different approaches to the sociology of art developed by Lyotard, Bourdieu, Luhmann, and Hennion and Latour. While Lyotard, from a phiosophical point of view, emphasizes the transcendence of the artwork in relation to its network, for Bourdieu the work of art is part of a network and the ‘social genesis’ grounds the artwork as an artwork. In contrast to Bourdieu, Luhmann conceives of art (...)
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  6. ¿Cómo podemos visitar la experiencia humana? El método de las Ciencias Sociales según Hannah Arendt.Carlos Kohn Wacher - 2010 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 2:97-110.
    Las ciencias sociales, desde sus orígenes, consideraron sencillo explicar sucesos relevantes y, en general, todas las manifestaciones de la vida humana, a través de un discurso que tenía como meta la reducción del significado de las acciones sociales a explicaciones nomológicas que se asumieron como verdades absolutas. Sostengo que este paradigma epistemológico fue asumido por las ciencias sociales como si el conocimiento de los hechos del pasado y del presente no fuese más que el resultado de explananda, inferidos de la (...)
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    Del 'individualismo posesivo' a la Sociedad Bien Ordenada: La influencia de Hobbes y Smith en la filosofía política de Rawls.Carlos Kohn Wacher - 2000 - Hobbes Studies 13 (1):12-33.
    El presente ensayo intenta explorar, siguiendo un filón abierto por Hannah Arendt, la hipótesis de que, en buena medida, el más eximio representante del liberalismo contemporáneo John Rawls no sólo asume el modelo contractualista hobbesiano, sino que vía Adam Smith, se apoya en su metafísica. Del mismo modo se sugiere que si el punto de partida de la teoría de la justicia de Rawls es la concepción del individuo : "como un sujeto autónomo capaz de orientarse por fines generalizables en (...)
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  8. Causality and complementarity.Niels Bohr - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (3):289-298.
    On several occasions I have pointed out that the lesson taught us by recent developments in physics regarding the necessity of a constant extension of the frame of concepts appropriate for the classification of new experiences leads us to a general epistemological attitude which might help us to avoid apparent conceptual difficulties in other fields of science as well. Since, however, the opinion has been expressed from various sides that this attitude would appear to involve a mysticism incompatible with the (...)
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    The Nature of Hysteria.Niel Micklem - 1995 - Routledge.
    Hysteria was a frequently diagnosed illness in the West through the nineteenth and much of the twentieth century. Today the medical profession has virtually abandoned the diagnosis altogether. However, this does not mean that hysteria has ceased to exist. In _The Nature of Hysteria_, Niel Micklem argues that the disease has merely shifted into other personal and collective forms. He traces the history of hysteria from ancient Egyptian times to the present and examines its mythic background. He also describes the (...)
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    Make-up and alteration.Niels Helsloot - 1990 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2:115-124.
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    Testing a computational model of subjective well-being: a preregistered replication of Rutledge et al.Niels Vanhasbroeck, Levi Devos, Sebastiaan Pessers, Peter Kuppens, Wolf Vanpaemel, Agnes Moors & Francis Tuerlinckx - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-14.
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    Atomic theory and the description of nature.Niels Bohr - 1934 - Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press.
    Introductory survey -- Atomic theory and mechanics -- The quantum postulate and the recent development of atomic theory -- The quantum of action and the description of nature -- The atomic theory and the fundamental principles underlying the description of nature.
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  13. The Atomic Components of Thought: by John R. Anderson and Christian Lebiere.Niels Taatgen - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (2):82.
  14. (1 other version)Atomic physics and human knowledge.Niels Bohr - 1958 - New York,: Wiley.
    These articles and speeches by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist date from 1934 to 1958. Rather than expositions on quantum physics, the papers are philosophical in nature, exploring the relevance of atomic physics to many areas of human endeavor. Includes an essay in which Bohr and Einstein discuss quantum and_wave equation theories. 1961 edition.
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    Aristotle on Justice and the Emotions.Niels Christensen - unknown
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  16. Filosofien og videnskaberne.Niels Egmont Christensen - 1968 - Munksgaard, København,:
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  17. Indskrifter.Niels Egebak - 1967 - Fredensborg,: Arena.
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    Niels Bohr: An Essay Dedicated to Him on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, October 7, 1945.L. Rosenfeld & Niels Henrik David Bohr - 1945 - North-Holland Publishing Co.
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    Individual differences in age preferences in mates.Niels G. Waller - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):578-581.
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  20. The philosophy of ubuntu and the notion of vital force.Niels Weidtmann - 2019 - In James Ogude, Ubuntu and the reconstitution of community. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  21. (1 other version)Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics.Niels Bohr - 1949 - In Paul Arthur Schilpp, The Library of Living Philosophers, Volume 7. Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist. Open Court. pp. 199--241.
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    Laws of nature as results of a trade-off — Rethinking the Humean trade-off conception.Niels Linnemann & Robert Michels - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    According to the standard Humean account of laws of nature, laws are selected partly as a result of an optimal trade-off between the scientific virtues of simplicity and strength. Roberts and Woodward have recently objected that such trade-offs play no role in how laws are chosen in science. In this paper, we first discuss an example from the field of automated scientific discovery which provides concrete support for Roberts and Woodward’s point that scientific theories are chosen based on a single-virtue (...)
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    Papirer. Anden forøgede Udgave ved Niels Thulstrup.Søen Kierkegaard & Niels Thulstrup - 1968 - Gyldendal.
  24. The Old Testament Sabbath: A Tradition-Historical Investigation.Niels-Erik Andreasen - 1972
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    The Concept of Nature in Science and Theology.Niels Henrik Gregersen - 1997 - Labor et Fides.
  26. Reichweite und Grenzen interessenfundierter Moralbegründungen: die Konzeptionen Norbert Hoersters und Peter Stemmers.Niels Benninghoff - 2022 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Heidegger's Theory of Intentionality.Niels Ole Bernsen & Hanne Vøtz - 1986
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  28. Knowledge. A Treatise on Our Cognitive Situation, coll. « Odense Univ. Studies in Phil., 3 ».Niels Ole Bernsen & Hanne Vøhtz - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (3):343-344.
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  29. The thought-translation device.Niels Birbaumer & Frank Appletree Rodden - 2007 - In Henri Cohen & Brigitte Stemmer, Consciousness and Cognition: Fragments of Mind and Brain. Boston: Academic Press.
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    Filosofiske skrifter.Niels Bohr - 2013 - Aarhus: i samarbejde med Niels Bohr Arkivet.
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  31. Bibliographie der Schriften von Theodor Lipps.Niels W. Bokhove & Karl Schuhmann - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45 (1):112-130.
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    On the Nature of Meanings: A Philosophical Analysis.Niels Egmont Christensen - 1961 - Munksgaard.
  33. Romantik i Rusland.Niels Kayser Nielsen - 2008 - In Ole Høiris & Thomas Ledet, Romantikkens Verden: Natur, Menneske, Samfund, Kunst Og Kultur. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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  34. Valores de verdad en la lógica de Aristóteles.Niels Offenberger - 2008 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 40:61-70.
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    Ruhm und Ewigkeit.Niels Penke - 2022 - Nietzscheforschung 29 (1):213-219.
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    (Not so) Great Expectations: Listening to Foreign-Accented Speech Reduces the Brain’s Anticipatory Processes.Niels O. Schiller, Bastien P.-A. Boutonnet, Marianne L. S. De Heer Kloots, Marieke Meelen, Bobby Ruijgrok & Lisa L.-S. Cheng - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Abbreviations.Niels Thulstrup - 1980 - In Kierkegaard’s Relation to Hegel. Princeton University Press.
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    Commentary on Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript: With a New Introduction.Niels Thulstrup - 1984 - Princeton University Press.
    In the first comprehensive commentary on Soren Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript the eminent Kierkegaard specialist Niels Thulstrup clarifies the book's intricate allusions to the thought and literature of its own and past ages. A central work both in Kierkegaard's authorship and in the history of philosophy, the Postscript breaks completely with a long tradition of religious and philosophical thought. In his introduction and commentary, presented here in translation from the Danish, Professor Thulstrup explains this break and the unique relationship (...)
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  39. The alleged distinction between use and mention.Niels Egmont Christensen - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (3):358-367.
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    Doing More with Less: Dark Matter & Modified Gravity.Niels C. M. Martens & Martin King - 2023 - In Nora Mills Boyd, Siska De Baerdemaeker, Kevin Heng & Vera Matarese, Philosophy of Astrophysics: Stars, Simulations, and the Struggle to Determine What is Out There. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Two approaches have emerged to resolve discrepancies between predictions and observations at galactic and cosmological scales: introducing dark matter or modifying the laws of gravity. Practitioners of each approach claim to better satisfy a different explanatory ideal, either unification or simplicity. In this chapter, we take a closer look at the ideals and at the successes of these approaches in achieving them. Not only are these ideals less divisive than assumed, but moreover we argue that the approaches are focusing on (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?Niels Bohr - 1935 - Physical Review 48 (696--702):696--702.
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    Why do children learn to say “Broke”? A model of learning the past tense without feedback.Niels A. Taatgen & John R. Anderson - 2002 - Cognition 86 (2):123-155.
  43. Kritische Bewertung des Artikels von Roth & Schwegler: "Das Geist-Gehirn-Problem...".Niels Birbaumer - 1995 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 6 (1):82.
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  44. Kausalität und Komplementarität.Niels Bohr - 1936 - Erkenntnis 6 (1):293-303.
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  45. Les spectres et la structure de l'Atome.Niels Bohr & A. Corvisy - 1924 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 31 (1):3-3.
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  46. Jean-Paul Sartres engagement: Genlæst og rettet af Michel Serres.Niels Brügger - 2000 - Philosophia: tidsskrift for filosofi 26 (3):177-191.
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    Further comments on two-valued logic.Niels E. Christensen - 1957 - Philosophical Studies 8 (1-2):9 - 15.
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    Nihil novi sub sole?Niels Matheve - 2014 - Res Publica 56 (1):95-110.
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    National history and new nationalism in the twenty-first century: a global comparison.Niels F. May & Thomas Maissen (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    National history has once again become a battlefield. In internal political conflicts, which are fought on the terrain of popular culture, museums, schoolbooks, and memorial politics, it has taken on a newly important and contested role. Irrespective of national specifics, the narratives of new nationalism are quite similar everywhere. National history is said to stretch back many centuries, expressesing the historical continuity of a homogeneous people and its timeless character. This people struggles for independence, guided by towering leaders and inspired (...)
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    Die vier Weisen im Garten der Philosophie: Anfangsgründe eines globalen Humanismus by Rainer Schulzer (review).Niels Weidtmann - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Die vier Weisen im Garten der Philosophie: Anfangsgründe eines globalen Humanismus by Rainer SchulzerNiels Weidtmann (bio)Die vier Weisen im Garten der Philosophie: Anfangsgründe eines globalen Humanismus. By Rainer Schulzer. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 2023. Pp. 290, Paper € 49.90, ISBN 978-3-495-99837-3.Rainer Schulzer has written an inspiring book, not yet translated into English, about “the four sages in the garden of philosophy.” The garden, created by Inoue Enryō, the (...)
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